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There are more than a Million 4 Feet Tube Lights in Fiji. They consume a lot of Energy which in turn consume a lot of Fossil Fuel.

The Governments climate action plan is to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing the consumption of fossil fuel. This is to be done by Renewable Energy and through improving the Efficiency of Equipment.

Our product can reduce 75% of the energy consumption from a normal 4 feet tube light. This is a WIN WIN WIN solution for the Government, for the Customers and for our Business Partners.


We provide an Investment free Solution for our Business Partners and the Customers. This works on a principle of save and share basis. Paradise Technologies will invest in installing Energy Saving Lights at the locations of Customers.

WIN WIN Package Solutions

Earn Money with $ O Investment

Free energy & carbon saving analysis provided by our certified professional

Energy Saving Lighting “Tube” will be provided FREE OF CHARGE on a Save and Share Basis

Hassle free lighting solution during contract period with spare tubes for immediate replacement

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